Year 6BC

Hello and welcome to Year 6BC!

My name is Mr Cook and I will be your teacher this year. This year, our amazing teaching assistant will be Miss Rourke.

We are very excited to be teaching your children this year; as the children enter their final year at Unity, we will be preparing them for their SATs, as well as life at secondary school.  

Please don’t hesitate to speak to any of the Year 6 team if you have any concerns.

Mr B Cook

Teacher Year 6

Miss S Rourke

Teaching Assistant

This Autumn term our History topic will be The Vikings. This is such an exciting and interesting topic which we’re sure the children will love learning about. We’ll learn all about how the Vikings invaded Britain, their way of life and why they are an important aspect of British history. In Geography, we will be learning about deserts of the world. This is a fascinating unit of work which will explore the locations of deserts, biomes and life in these inhospitable environments.

For our Writing we will be looking at writing formal application letters, diary entries and continuing the novel The Boy at the Back of the Class. We will focus on how to use vocabulary to make the reader feel a certain emotion as well creating a beautifully descriptive narrative. We will also use a range of punctuation to expand sentences and clauses.

In Maths for this half term, we’ll look at place value and the four operations (division, subtraction, addition and multiplication). We will also be focussing on being able to reason worded problems, around our mathematical knowledge. This is important as it will help us get ready for our KS2 SATs.

Our PE sessions will now be on a Wednesday morning and ­­­­­Tuesday afternoon with a focus on team building and strategy. Children need to come to school with their PE kit and on a Monday morning, children can come to school in their kit. However, they need to bring their uniform to get changed back into after the lesson.

Our school PE kit is:

  • A white t-shirt
  • Dark-coloured shorts or tracksuit bottoms
  • Trainers or pumps
  • Can we ask for no cropped T-shirts or bright-coloured PE kits
  • No jewellery


In Year 6 we will send your child home with a spelling list and either reading or arithmetic questions each Friday. This is a good opportunity to revise anything we have learnt in our lessons. If you have any homework questions, please speak to a member of the Year 6 team. Homework is due on a Wednesday morning.

Reading books:

A teacher or teaching assistant will listen to your child’s reading weekly. Please can you listen to your child read to you at home as often as possible (ideally for 5 minutes every day). Please can reading books come into school every day so children can regularly read and change their books; this helps their reading progress quickly! The importance of reading in Year 6 cannot be understated so please make time to read with your children.


Please note, that only stud earrings and a watch are allowed in school. No rings, dangly earrings, necklaces or bracelets. We appreciate your child may want to wear them, but it is for health and safety reasons. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Download and print our timetable Download
  • Download our full curriculum overview Download