Year 1HC

Hello, and welcome to 1HC!

I am Mrs. Cumberbatch, the class teacher, and Miss Cunningham is the teaching assistant. We are excited to continue our fantastic year with your children. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher. We are always happy to support you in any way we can and are available before and after school.

Mrs H Cumberbatch

Teacher Year 1

Miss L Cunningham

Teaching Assistant

In English this term we are using Talk 4 Write to help retell poems, stories and information texts which has been linked to our English theme on ‘Traditional Tales’. We have been reading the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and will be innovating the story by changing the main characters and the materials the houses are built from, which links to our Science topic on ‘Materials’. We will be learning the text by heart and rehearsing it using actions. Our writing focus this term is letter formation, finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. We are also working on putting our phonics sessions into practice by using our sounds to spell words phonetically.

During Maths, we are working on our numbers to 10. We will be looking at the value of each number and where the numbers are placed on a number line. We will be practising counting, reading and writing numbers as words. Also, we will be counting forwards and backwards to 10, looking at one more and one less whilst representing numbers in different ways using various equipment.

Our new Topic this term is Houses and Homes. We will be comparing features of houses from the past to the present. We will be looking at how objects within the house have changed over time with the influence of technology. We will also be going on a walk around the local area to see what houses and homes we can see. Children will be using various materials to create their own houses and experience washing their clothes like they did in the past.

In Science, we will be learning all about Everyday Materials. We will be learning the names of different materials and the qualities they have. We will also be working scientifically to carry out different investigations to test different materials. Then we will be grouping, sorting and comparing materials based on their qualities.

P.E. takes place every Monday and Thursday for 1HC. Please ensure that your child has their P.E. kit in school. The P.E. kit is a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or leggings and a pair of black trainers which can be worn as part of their school uniform. Your child must have the correct uniform to ensure safety on the equipment.

Homework/spelling and reading books are sent out every Monday. Please return your homework books to school every Monday. The homework will be in the form of a menu. Children only need to complete one task each week and learn the spellings set for a test on a Wednesday.

You can also access games on and to help support your child with their learning.

Please also ensure that your child is reading for at least 10 minutes every day (of your child’s banded/coloured reading book which is one level below their class reading level to support their fluency and enjoyment). Please sign their reading records otherwise we cannot change their book and your child bring their book bag into school every Monday and Wednesday so we can change their book and return them on the same day.

School opening times – school opens at 8:40 am and the gates close at 8:50 am, please ensure your children are in for a prompt 8:50 am start.

Water bottles – please ensure your child has a water bottle in school every day, especially as the weather continues to get hotter.

Fruit – Fruit and milk are provided every day for morning snack. However, children can bring in their own piece of fruit to eat during this time if they wish.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to us. We are always happy to support you in any way we can and are available before and after school.

We’re looking forward to continuing our fantastic year with your children.


Year 1HC Timetable 2024 - 2025
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