
Welcome to Reception 

Happy New Year to all our children and families! 

Welcome to our Spring term in Reception! 

The children have become so confident and independent, and they have all made so much progress during Autumn term.  

In the first half term of Spring, we will be reading and re-telling a variety of traditional tales to develop our communication and language skills. 

Our topic during the second half of Spring Term will be ‘Home and Away’ and our focus text is ‘Mr. Gumpy’s Outing’.  

We will be learning all about life in Australia, and we will be talking about the animals that live there, and foods that are grown there. We will be comparing Australia to life here in Manchester. 

In Maths we will be continuing to develop our number knowledge and exploring deeper into the composition of number. We will also be comparing length, weight and capacity. Developing these skills will ensure we are ready for Summer term. 

 In phonics we will be moving onto phase 3 sounds, and will be looking at how we can read with fluency and expression. We will also be using strategies to enable us to read longer words and sentences. 

 We will be continuing to change our reading books weekly, so it is important that the children remember to bring their book bag to school each week. It will also really help your child with their reading by sharing a book with them at home every day. 

 Each Tuesday, we will be having lots of fun with Coach Zafaar from Manchester United who comes and delivers our sports programme. Some of these sessions may take place outside during the warmer months. 

We will send you information and key dates over Class Dojo so keep an eye out for our weekly posts. If you have any questions please just pop in and see us. We are always happy to help.  

 Thank you for your support.  

Mrs O’Toole, Mrs Neil and the Reception team.